Gord and WineI'm Gord (VE3ILZ) and this is my web site. I was born loving electronics, and even after a 35 year career, I still love it. I have a workroom full of test equipment, both old and new.
I collect radios. I have a few pictures of some of my radios here.
I have lots and lots of electronic parts. If I have something that you need, I'd be happy to make a deal. I'm not in this to make money, just get parts out to people who need and appreciate them. Here is a list of some of the stuff I have available.
My hobby is electronics. I have documented some of my projects here.
I have listed some interesting links here.
If you would like to try my auction software, go here.
My thesis on Monolithic Microwave Transformers is here.
Here is my resume. No, I am not looking for a job!
If you need to contact me, you'll need to solve this puzzle: Clue: the columns are pieces of the alphabet.
empb p hmfl a
fnqc q aingm b
hpse sbckpio db
iqtf tcdlqjp ec